Case Study
Archibald Cruise

Archibald Cruise — Porcelain Veneers

But I must expla­in to you how all this mista­ken idea of deno­un­cing ple­asu­re and pra­ising pain was born and I will give you a com­ple­te acco­unt of the sys­tem, and expo­und the actu­al teachings of the gre­at explo­rer of the truth, the master-buil­der of human hap­pi­ness.

Nor aga­in is the­re any­one who loves or pur­su­es or desi­res to obta­in pain of itself, becau­se it is pain, but becau­se occa­sio­nal­ly cir­cum­stan­ces occur in which toil and pain can pro­cu­re him some gre­at ple­asu­re.

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